I started my collection about 2 and half years ago. I began with 2-3 of them and now there are almost 250. They were everywhere on my balcony before my dad got the shelf up for me. He visited me last month and saw the mess on the balcony so he built me a shelf for cacti. He said he will build two more. That means I will have space for more cacti..... I am so glad he likes my cacti otherwise I have to stop getting a new one because of limited space. He is such a wonderful dad.
yes, yasmin think so. you have a lovely dad.
your hobby look so cool....nice collection jing jing.
wow.. i can imagine how nice is your place. I also love to stay in a high building like yours (It 's hight,isn't it?). Anyway, i have ..kind of 'hot hands' Not many plants can stay with me long. I 've replaced the dead small Firn inside the bathroom for more than 3 times this year. hahaha
Thank you ja....Is this blog a private discussion between us?
Noon, I was waiting for you. I just mentioned to yasmin that you didn't visit my blog today! Cactus is very easy to take care...only thing that will kill them is too much water!
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