Friday, August 24, 2007

Flowers are blooming.

Here, I'm back again. It was while ago since I last updated this blog. I would say, from now on the theme of this blog will be changed. When I first created this blog, I set a goal to write something about my experience in the States. But now, I'm in my homeland and the memories of the States are fading. So........what will be a good topic to begin my blog once again?

One of my friend suggested "why don't you go for flowers blooming?". I said to her, "well, my flowers aren't blooming everyday". What if they don't bloom for me? What will I do?

Luckily, today one of my cacti is blooming. It's very beautiful. That's why my first topic is "Flowers are blooming"

This photo is just an introduction of my cacti collection. I don't have a photo of the blooming one yet....please wait.

1 comment:

Yasmin said...

oh wow!!your blog come back..i'm glad

i'm waiting to see it next
